Over at
M4GIC.net they're giving away one new, 6th generation iPod nano and all you gotta do is answer some questions about your use of MP3 players in general and so will I:
- Which devices did you use - before your very first MP3 player - to listen to music on the road?
Well there were three different Walkmans (tapes) and one MP3-CD-capable Discman. Those Walkmans were from AIWA and really good, esp. the last one.
- When did you buy your first MP3 player (if you already own one)?
I dug out my Amazon invoices and found, what you're asking me here. I bought my very first MP3 player (flash based) on August 31st, 2001. Nine years and one month ago!
- Which MP3-Player was your first (brand/model)?
It was, of course, a Sony (not knowing any better) "
New Walkman NW-E 3/s" (see Amazon link for picture). It had 64MB of storage for 60minutes of music (or less, if files had higher than 128 kbit/s bitrates).
- How many MP3 players have you already owned?
Only two actually, four years ago I bought my first (and still in use) iPod and in between my mobile phones doubled as MP3 players (as they do today, when my iPods' battery is drained).
- Which features of a MP3 player are important to you?
It should hold most of my music collection, for I'm not big on 'intelligently' syncing playlists all the time and I don't know, what I might want to listen to. Furthermore, navigating this library should be hassle-free (which it can be, if the control scheme is all wrong).
- What feature of the new iPod nano does appeal to you most?
Its wearability ;o)
in answer to:
Over at
M4GIC.net they're giving away one new, 6th generation iPod nano and all you gotta do is answer some questions about your use of MP3 players in general and so will I:
- Which devices did you use - before your very first MP3 player - to listen to music on the road?
Well there were three different Walkmans (tapes) and one MP3-CD-capable Discman. Those Walkmans were from AIWA and really good, esp. the last one.
- When did you buy your first MP3 player (if you already own one)?
I dug out my Amazon invoices and found, what you're asking me here. I bought my very first MP3 player (flash based) on August 31st, 2001. Nine years and one month ago!
- Which MP3-Player was your first (brand/model)?
It was, of course, a Sony (not knowing any better) "
New Walkman NW-E 3/s" (see Amazon link for picture). It had 64MB of storage for 60minutes of music (or less, if files had higher than 128 kbit/s bitrates).
- How many MP3 players have you already owned?
Only two actually, four years ago I bought my first (and still in use) iPod and in between my mobile phones doubled as MP3 players (as they do today, when my iPods' battery is drained).
- Which features of a MP3 player are important to you?
It should hold most of my music collection, for I'm not big on 'intelligently' syncing playlists all the time and I don't know, what I might want to listen to. Furthermore, navigating this library should be hassle-free (which it can be, if the control scheme is all wrong).
- What feature of the new iPod nano does appeal to you most?
Its wearability ;o)
in answer to:
Maybe I'm in luck? Blog parade on m4gic.net!
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